StoreGrid Online Backup Services |
Protect Your Business Server Data
Data is the lifeblood of your company! 43% of U.S. companies experiencing data disasters never re-open, and 29% close within 2 years. The loss of revenue for each hour of downtime varies from industry to industry. Yet, until recently most companies have not had the budget or resources to effectively backup and protect their critical data offsite.
Don't wait to find out your 'cost of downtime'! You should ideally back up your data offsite, to a dedicated backup server that's managed 24/7 at a secure datacenter. Our Managed Online Backup Solutions will help you get up and running after any Data Disaster.
StoreGrid Online Backup Services
Now organizations of all sizes can have the same enterprise-class data protection that the Fortune 500 uses to safeguard its critical information - at a fraction of the cost. Carolinanet's Online Backup Service is a completely automated, professionally managed service that backs up business server data, archives it in a secure, offsite data center and makes it immediately available for recovery 24 hours a day.
Tape Backup Fails To Protect Critical Data
Industry analysts estimate that 50% of all tape backups fail to properly restore all company data. 77% of respondents to a recent Storage Magazine survey found failed tapes while testing their backup. Whether the tape drive or media was defective or the backup software was mis-configured or someone just forgot to load a new tape, most companies would not be able to restore all their critical information in the event of a system failure, virus, human error or other disaster. Eliminate Tapes. Eliminate Risk. Now companies can eliminate the need to manage a daily tape backup process, eliminate the need to physically move tapes offsite and eliminate the business risk from unreliable tape backups.
Automatic Nightly Backup Never miss a beat. Your data is backed up every night as it changes, 7 days a week, so it's always up to date. And it's stored securely offsite at our data center.
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